If this were digital like the review suggests it ought to of been i would not of bought it. Launching your opponent in the air then do combos. They don't really let the pricing or the fact that it's an updated version affect their viewpoint of the game.But us Nintendo fans, as @Damo has proved, will tend to judge a remaster based on price first and then any new content and featured that have been added to the experience. It has the majority/all of content from the last version AFAIK, new features/modes (albeit not ones that make you want to rush out and buy it immediately), an option for slightly improved graphics and has an online mode that is more populated than the last version since it's the most recent one. Here, you team up with a friend or CPU-controller ally and take down Evil Ryu, Violent Ken, M. Bison and Akuma, with the proviso that your two characters share a health bar which retains the majority of damage taken in between rounds. I got my 8bitdo controllers reving to go! Because its a digital game that really should not have gotten a physical release. Yet they did not charge double for it ( and since all dlc was included, it was actually cheaper then the original release). There's no reason to support this version, other than to donate charity money to Capcom. There's also Online mode which was not active upon original publication of this review, so we'll be updating accordingly once it goes live. So again, if people want to skip the game, fine. Available on … So I understand that for many people this game is out of place and too expensive. That's interesting. There were several ways that Capcom could have added value to this...at the very least they could have priced the digital copy at $30 and put a trinket or cool manual to entice physical buyers at $40 (like puyo puyo tetris). I wish they would leave price out of the review. The Street Fighter franchise has been around for 30 years, growing up in the 90’s meant a lot of Street Fighter. $30 would've got me in for another round. Sounds like a 5/10 at best. Happy days! Each new one seemed to change it up completely. An opinion shouldn't be coming from one random review, thus hindering that could be a hidden gem. It doesn't look as a bad game, it just could have been better, though doesn't look 'bad' per se. Capcom didn't care to update it when new versions came out on consoles, they abandoned the 3ds. It always amazes me how many people have to frequently replace parts or peripherals of their consoles. I'll wait till its at a more reasonable price of €19.99, which will be a long wait. Review scores are pointless in this situation in my opinion, as cost is going to be the overriding factor. Letzteres sollte hier die Präferenz haben. It is SF2. About Us. The game features two graphical styles—classic pixel art and updated high-definition art. This being a port of SSF2T though (title aside), it would be more accurate to say that bonus rounds were not added, rather than that they were removed. Get ready for Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers on Nintendo Switch! Da sie sich von ihrem eigentlichen Selbst nur geringfügig unterscheiden, ist der Mehrwert minimal. I'll get it when it's under £20, and if that makes me a 'baby' in some (deluded) people's minds, then to hell with them. The departure of physical (plus a never ending parade of hardware & configuration issues spanning over a decade) is why I left PC gaming long ago. Just because I'm willing to wait for a price drop doesn't mean the game isn't worth 60 bucks. Aus der Ego-Perspektive steuert man Protagonist Ryu und muss mit den Joy-Con seine ikonischen Angriffe nachahmen. Can't wait to play SF2 on a Nintendo console again. Looks like they're going to have novel use which almost only Nintendo knows how to utilize, just like the Wii MotionPlus all over again. I'd have given $20 just for the artwork in the game. The fact that you have only the most rudimentary influence over which special moves you perform takes it to a whole new level of pointlessness. Japanese developed games killing themselves, ha. The box art sold me, sad to say I'd be more likely to try KoF99. Review Price: £35.00. That is hard to read on a phone. (My wallet is generally easy to open). My copy of the game has already shipped. Cheap digital only games or expensive physical releases of games that should be digital only. Dieser existierte beispielsweise schon in „Street Fighter Alpha“, wenn auch unter anderem Namen. And you can do many things with that. I am in gamer heaven! It'll do the job of providing an occasional 1 on 1 action when I have a friend over. @Firehawke You are right, you didn't say that, my apologies. This is the part of the package in which Capcom has perhaps invested the most time and effort; it uses 3D visuals and tasks you with performing gestures with the Joy-Con controllers to pull off Ryu's famous repertoire of moves. Well, well, well... No surprises here then. You can keep belaboring the point you are trying to make about subjective worth but it isn't actually addressing the issue I'm raising. Looked like a lot of fun. The online modes will suffer due to reviews looking at cost rather than substance; consequently steering many would be SF2 enthusiasts away from the purchase and online play. But I must agree that this game is out of standards and price seems too high even for me. Review: Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers. Die Wertung halte ich für vollkommen in Ordnung, im Fachmagazin meines Vertrauens hat das Spiel auch "nur" eine 75/100 bekommen. You have companies putting a lot of effort and value into games (see Injustice 2) who yes deserve every penny of that $60. Def worth it to me. @PlywoodStick third strike is still the greatest SF game for me. New gameplay mechanics and modes were also introduced, with minor changes being made to the game's balance. So a leap forward wouldn't be as noticeable as with MK, and people won't be as amazed. Watch this be marked down for Capcom doing little work, but Mario Krap 8 Deluxe gets a perfect 10. And it's physical....that counts for something (Oddly Arms I might get digital because it's a game I might often come back to but not enough to warrant a cartridge change, but I'm undecided yet.) I'm just glad the greatest fighting game of all time is on the Switch! Oh, man.... And to think that for less money, and far more VALUE for money, you could buy the truly excellent ACA Neo Geo title Samurai Shodown IV... Oops, did it again. Absolutely terrible, IMO. Das größte Problem ist allerdings, dass die Animationen unverändert geblieben sind. Watching a horror movie right now on my TV while playing SF II in tabletop mode against strangers online. I think Damien has been doing this long enough to know better than to be so blunt, even if it did affect his score. @STAGGLY Can't blame you, I didn't even know about Third Strike until a friend I've known since high school introduced me to it through MAME. FWIW, I'm getting the Amazon discount, so this is a LITTLE cheaper than it looks. A good game or a bad game is just that. Game Title: Ultra Street Fighter II – The Final Challengers Developer: Capcom Platform: Nintendo Switch Availability: Retail (Europe, North America, Japan), Digital (EU, NA, JP) Battery Life: 4.5 – 5.5 hours Game Modes: TV, Tabletop, Handheld The Nintendo Switch has loads of fighting games, thanks to the Neo Geo titles that have been releasing nearly every week since March. I get where you're coming from, and we'd probably agree on a lot. Reads like a 6, if you knock two points off for charging too much. Should I wait to buy it or not at all? As I thought, this isn't a $40 game. Two more days until I play my favorite SF of all. @NEStalgia Yeah it's pretty rough. A more pressing issue is that the six button attack layout doesn't translate perfectly to the pad; as was the case with the SNES controller, the various strengths of punch and kick have to be spread out over the four face buttons and the two shoulder buttons. If you change the SF formula to be like Marvel vs Capcom, then it wouldn't be SF anymore, it'll be Marvel vs Capcom. There were 2 more versions that came out after the super sf 4 edition, which is what the 3ds version is. Compared to fighting games theres less room for big drastic changes, since its mostly fighting and combos. Feature: Best Nintendo Switch Metroidvania Games. But if you have never play it before; is it worth it with the Prime discount? On a side note, when playing online the game doesn't separate "Lite" and "Pro" players, so it could be argued that those using the touchscreen shortcuts have an unfair advantage. Theres no crazy items or gimmicks that you can use to your advantage. To me, the only image that evokes, is of people acting like mad men and bashing and kicking their consoles and throwing their controllers around. A) Zooming in and making those pixels an ugly mass.. or... Rumours that he turned down a role in The Hobbit to work on Nintendo Life are, to the best of our knowledge, completely and utterly unfounded. I have it on ps3, although the music implementation is horrible. IV on 3DS was my first SF. I wasn't implying that Damien WILL knock off points due to the price, I was injecting my own opinion of what I am taking off, because it's not a good value to me. @Yosher That's what I'm doing. I've got this pre-ordered, Nintendo-store UK and it will come with a small T shirt which I didn't order! Rather, the review should be thorough enough that the consumer, knowing both the quality of the game and its price, can put those two pieces of information together to determine whether or not it is worth a purchase. A physical SF" in 2017 for me is a dream. I think it will probably score around the 7/10 mark, maybe even a 6. Movements don’t register correctly, positioning seems to be totally screwed up. And no way companies are losing $10-20 PLUS retailer take on physical games. Speziell in den höheren Schwierigkeitsgraden kann man sich auch zu zweit an einigen Gegnern die Zähne ausbeißen. HDMI as well. Remember, if someone doesn't get the point, or has an opinion that is incorrect on some level, you can always educate them and still be civil about it. (Adding every known character in the street fighter universe, give every version of each character, added survival mode, all known Street fighter artwork/assests, sound fx/music from all versions with the ability to Switch mid gameplay, fully realized online including tournament scheduling and Capcom hosted world tournaments.). @Hikingguy Very true about the long lasting appeal. I'm really torn on this. Revisions matter in a fighting game; there is a reason why the FGC either goes nuts with joy or anger when they happen. You're kind of right about not iterating, though from what a lot of fighter vets seem to say, SFV seems less like a 2017 Camaro next to a classic, and more of a scooter with stickers that say "Camero" on it with hopes everyone believes it's the same thing, or at least if they don't will pay full price for the classic still, Still, as someone who remembers the lines in front of the cabinets back in the day but never got into playing, either at the arcade or on SNES, it'll be fun to try the legend after SFIV on 3DS left me kind of "meh.". I can't wait for this game to arrive at my doorstep. Sorry for the long reply...I almost never like or think that cost should affect how a game is received, but I think there are times when it's appropriate and this is one of those times. Any subjective matter is certainly welcome to give a reader perspective but it should be an aside only to allow users to make their own choice. The SNK offerings, especially KoF seem like they offer a lot more for a lot less in some ways, but a full Switch outing as a physical release is a little hard to pass up. Advertisements. "Capcom at its most lazy and exploitative" sums it up pretty well for me.I really like SF, but I totally dislike Capcom's business model. When you have games like Master Blaster Zero, which are full remakes, going for $10, you can't charge quadruple for something like this and expect people not to turn away in disgust. Maybe the base game didn't sell well? Capcom's real problem is they have to keep milking the magic because they' can't figure out how to duplicate it. Plus with the color gradient tool you can now make dahlsim look like a naked version of piccolo from DBZ . @Bass_X0Surely we can all agree that just because it's a physical release, it doesn't have to cost 35 quid? So again, I still don't understand the complaints. I'm in NYC and they digital games usually go up around noon the day of release. Is it ridiculous to buy it a third time? My issue is that perceived value should have no bearing on a review of a game and that it has no bearing on the quality of a game itself. That's kind of a cashflow crisis when the magic ends. Bei dem Kult um das Spiel ist es sehr einfach, das Ganze wenig nüchtern zu betrachten, deswegen ein +1 für Alex. This game better come out to the PS4. Like in my previous comment (mind you, not accusing you personally of treating your appliances poorly) I just keep on wondering how people are using their devices, because I still have all my original devices, phones, MP3 players and what not, and they are still in working order. Can't wait to get my hands on the best version of my 2nd favorite 1 on 1 fighter. When will Capcom let SF2 go? It was £49.99 at launch on Nintendo UK's store. I played the original game in the arcades and then on SNES. For the record I would gladly pay $40 for this if it had $25 of additions over the 2008 release. People will buy this over and over but complain about Nintendo charging another 7$ for a game on the VC that was also available on the last system. Please read our FTC Disclosure for more information. This game deserves a 6 based on price gouging alone. Store Return Policy; Terms and Conditions. As much as I want to support and tell Capcom "Hey, make stuff for this system! Competitors get angry at him when he says that as they have fun with the competition, but I understand now what he means. So in this case, complaining about the old bonus stages is like complaining about no battle frontier in the generation three Pokémon remakes when they were based on the Ruby and Sapphire versions and not Emerald.At the end of the day, if the content and lack of old bonus stages doesn't justify the price just wait for a price drop or don't buy it at all. The parry system was rewarding, and difficult to master. Though maybe it's an argument against trying to franchise everything. LVL 2. @NEStalgia There's plenty of evidence saying otherwise-- https://www.google.com/search?num=100&q=switch+cartridge+cost+%2410&oq=switch+cartridge+cost+%2410 will show you multiple games where the physical is $10 more. A good update but at the end of the day, it's still just Street Fighter II, this series should had been left in the 90s. €42 on amazon will do me just fine since I'm not in any rush. It only hastens a rush to the bottom as people would see how little difference there is to the $15 dollar version released nearly a decade ago, and feel ripped off. If Capcom remastered Third Strike with an HD Remix including online matchmaking, then the $40 would be worth the price of admission. But either way, once that Switch arrives over here, ARMS will only be purchased in physical form. Gerade die Kurzweiligkeit der Kämpfe und die knappen Entscheidungen über Sieg oder Niederlage haben „Street Fighter II“ schon früher ausgemacht und tun es auch noch heute. Parties ; rewarding laziness is not an option anymore even if there are around! Arcades back in 1991 than it looks n't sound inviting on any computer before, so they wo n't why. Range of SF titles overriding factor likely feel like they have n't got an awful for! Both of them for same money lol 's kind of complicated in a way too inevitably due it. Das liegt ja einfach nur daran, dass man Grafik- und Sound-Stil unabhängig voneinander und. Xbox to play at the recent Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is given a 10/10 by this.. Bought VF version b and version C no problem full price for Lego city, twice my main for! Gets a perfect 10 ultra street fighter ii: the final challengers review value vs Media value in „ Street Fighter II: Final... 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