Civil Air Defense Law of the People's Republic of China. In late-2013, Asia-Pacific security watchers wrangled with what China’s then newly declared unilateral air defense identification zone (ADIZ) over the East China … Under defense industrial MCF policies, authorities in Beijing are leveraging state owned enterprises, such as the China National Offshore Oil Corporation and The Chinese aircraft flew into the airspace between Taiwan and the Dongsha Islands in the South China Sea, which are controlled by the self-ruled democratic island according to the chart provided by the Taiwan Defence Ministry. Article 44 Mass organizations for air defense shall carry out specialized training in accordance with the training program and plans formulated by the competent departments for civil air defense. Copyright © Article 52 The standing committees of the people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may formulate measures for implementation in accordance with this Law. The air defense system around China is also one of the best, if not the best, in the world, the Pentagon said, as China now fields Russian-built S-300 and S-400 systems, as well as its own indigenous copies, soon to have capability for intercepting ballistic missiles. Civil air defense evacuation must be carried out in accordance with the order issued by the State. Article 2 Civil air defense is a component part of national defense. The proportion borne by the Central Government shall be incorporated in the central budget, while the proportions borne by the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be incorporated in their budgets respectively. Article 19 The State provides guidance to construction of different categories of civil air defense works in accordance with the different requirements of protection. The competent departments for civil air defense of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for working out plans of construction projects for civil air defense communications and warning in their administrative areas and organizing the establishment and management of their local networks of civil air defense communications and warning. Article 12 People's governments of cities shall devise air defense programmes and draw up plans for their enforcement and may organize exercise when necessary. (7) discharging waste waste or gas or dumping waste material into civil air defense works. People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China on October 29, 1996, is hereby promulgated and shall enter into force as of January. Provisions for the establishment and the functions and duties of the competent departments for civil air defense shall be formulated by the State Council and the Central Military Commission. government, in national defense mobilization, airspace management and civil air defense, reserves, militia, and border/coastal defense. Article 32 Post and telecommunications departments, military communications departments and radio administration authorities shall guarantee provision of the circuits and frequency required by the competent departments for civil air defense in establishing communications and warning networks, the relevant units and individuals shall provide convenience for installation of facilities of civil air defense communications and warning, and may not obstruct it. Taiwan has decided to buy an upgraded version of Lockheed Martin Corp's Patriot surface-to-air missile, the air force said on Wednesday, as the island bolsters its forces to guard against a rising threat from China. As authorized by the State Council and the Central Military Commission, the major military commands shall exercise leadership in the work of civil air defense in the areas under their command. Adopted at the 202nd Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on October 29, 1996, promulgated by Order No. Chapter VI Mass Organizations For Air Defense. Article 50 Any one who, in violation of the provisions of this Law, intentionally damages civil air defense facilities or produces or stores in civil air defense works such hazards as explosives, hypertoxics, inflammables or radioactive substances, shall be punished in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security if the violation does not constitute a crime; otherwise, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law. In its 2019 report to Congress, the US Department of Defense said China – which has one of the largest navies in Asia – had at its command 37 amphibious transport docks and … Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purpose of organizing effective civil air defense, preserving safety of people's lives and property and ensuring the smooth progress of the socialist modernization drive. Article 24 The relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with law, guarantee the land needed for construction of civil air defense works, and provide the necessary conditions for constructing civil air defense works that connect such infrastructures as roads, power supply, heat supply, water supply and drainage and communications systems in urban areas. Copyright © The ADIZ includes the airspace over disputed areas, including the Senkaku Islands §contested by China and Japan. Earlier, on April 3, Beijing’s warplane entered the Taiwanese southwest air defence identification zone (ADIZ, Focus Taiwan reported. Article 6 The State Council and the Central Military Commission shall exercise leadership in the work of civil air defense throughout the country. No organizations or individuals may use the same frequency or the same coustic signals as those specially used by the State for civil air defense ommunications or air defense warning. The 13-day drill ended as an air defense zone newly declared by China on Nov. 23 in the East China Sea has raised some tensions in the region. Article 21 The competent departments for civil air defense shall be responsible for organizing construction of such works as civil air defense commands, shelters for public use and main passages for evacuation. In time of peace, such works shall be used and managed by the investors and the income therefrom shall be owned by them. Article 15 All projects for storing grains, medicines, oils and other necessary goods and materials for wartime use shall be built underground or in other concealed places. (6) The transportation departments shall organize transportation teams. The competent departments for civil air defense of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall administer the work of civil air defense in their administrative areas respectively. China is developing a new generation of surface-to-air missile defenses, but details are scarce. Beijing Municipal Bureau of Civil Air Defense has the following main functions: 1. In light of the need of national defense, the State mobilizes and organizes the masses to take protective measures for preventing or minimizing damage caused by air raid. Civil Air Defense Law of the People's Republic of China -- Adopted at the 202nd Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on October 29, 1996, promulgated by Order No. On November 23, 2013, China established an Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) over a significant portion of the East China Sea (ECS). About half of the area … Article 9 The State protects civil air defense facilities from damage. 78 of the President of the People's Republic of China on October 29, 1996, and effective as of January 1, 1997. Article 53 This Law shall enter into force as of January 1, 1997. Article 28 No organizations or individuals may without approval dismantle any civil air defense works as specified in Article 21 of this Law. Article 11 Cities enjoy priority in civil air defense. India today said it has successfully flight tested a locally made anti-radiation missile from its air force's Sukhoi combat jet that has the capability to suppress enemy air defence effectively, amidst a border conflict with China in the Ladakh region. When necessary, the local people's governments at or above the county level may organize trial air defense warning and shall make it known to the public five days before the trial. Article 45 The State develops civil air defense education to help citizens enhance their awareness of the importance of national defense and acquire the basic knowledge and skills of civil air defense. Article 26 The State encourages peacetime use of civil air defense works for economic development and the daily lives of the people. Article 27 No organizations or individuals may conduct any operation that may impair the use of civil air defense works or weaken their protective capacities, discharge waste water or gas or dump waste material into any civil air defense works, or produce or store any explosives, hypertoxics, inflammables, radioactive  substances or corrosives therein. Article 43 The equipment, apparatus and funds needed by mass organizations for air defense shall be provided by competent departments for civil air defense and the units that organize them. Taiwan’s defence ministry said China sent six J-10 fighters, four J-16s, two SU-30s, a Y-8 reconnaissance aircraft, and two Y-8 anti-submarine aircraft. All Rights Reserved     E-mail. CAP-USAF provides day-to-day support, advice and liaison to the Civil Air Patrol and provides oversight for CAP programs, with particular emphasis on … Adopted at the 202nd Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on October 29, 1996, promulgated by Order No. For civil air defense, the guidelines of making long-term preparation, giving priority to the building of key works and suiting both peacetime and wartime needs shall be applied and the principles of coordinating its buildup with the development of the economy and combining it with urban construction shall be carried out . The tasks to be performed by mass organizations for air defense in time of war include dealing with emergencies, doing rush repairs, providing medical aid, preventing and extinguishing fire, engaging in epidemic prevention, disinfection and sterilization, eliminating contamination, ensuring signal communications, rescuing people, doing emergency transportation of goods and materials and maintaining public order, and in time of peace they shall assist the departments for fighting against floods and earthquakes in dealing with emergencies and doing disaster relief. NANCHANG - A senior official pledged on Monday to finish the construction of a digital managing system of China's civil air defense by 2020. Article 3 People's governments at or above the county level shall incorporate civil air defense construction into their plans for national economic and social development. Article 42 The following departments shall be responsible for organizing mass organizations for air defense: (1) The departments for urban construction, public utilities and power supply shall organize teams to deal with emergencies and do rush repairs; (2) Public health and medical departments shall organize medical aid teams; (3) Public security departments shall organize fire-fighting teams and public security teams; (4)  The departments for public health, chemical industry and environmental protection shall organize anti-chemical and anti-epidemic teams; (5)  The post and telecommunications departments shall organize communications teams; and. Article 46 The competent national department for civil air defense shall be responsible for organizing and formulating civil air defense education plans and specifying the contents for such education. Chapter VII Education in Civil Air Defense. Article 41 Local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in light of the need of civil air defense, have relevant departments establish mass organizations for air defense. China’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) Congressional Research Service 2 establishment of or the flight operations and air traffic procedures related to such airspace. The State applies a system whereby different categories of cities are provided with different grades of protection. China’s Civil Aviation Administration (CAA) in early January announced the expansion of its heavily-trafficked flight route M503. Article 5 In accordance with relevant regulations, the State adopts preferential policies with regard to construction of civil air defense projects. Article 49 A party that commits any of the following acts shall be given a disciplinary warning by the competent department for civil air defense of  the people's government at or above the county level and be ordered to set it right within a time limit, and in the case of an individual a fine of not more than 5,000 may also be imposed on him and in the case of a unit a fine ranging from 10,000 to 50,000 yuan may also be imposed on it; the party shall be liable for the losses according to law, if any: (2) failing to construct civil air defense works in conformity with the protection standards and quality standards established by the State; (3) altering, in violation of the relevant regulations of the State, the major structure of civil air defense works, dismantling equipment or facilities for such works or endangering the safety or impairing the functions of the works by any other means; 4) refusing to reconstruct the civil air defense works that were dismantled; (5) using the special frequency for civil air defense communications or the same acoustic signals as those used for air defense warning or dismantling, without approval, equipment or facilities for civil air defense communications and warning; (6) obstructing the installation of facilities of civil air defense communications and warning and refusing to stop doing so; or.
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