I applaud the author for opening our eyes to Big Alcohol and offering an alternative to patriarchal treatment methods and I would still recommend reading it, but some of the methods will not be feasible for those who struggle financially. We'd sometimes (or often) see our parents coked out of our minds the way we sometimes (or often) see them drunk. I started out completely loving this but then it went downhill so fast. 30. “A woman is like a tea bag – you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.” – Eleanor Roosevelt. Over time it gets wrapped up in our survival response, so we are motivated to drink with the same force that motivates us to eat—only the force is stronger than the desire to eat because our midbrain, which ranks everything based on dopamine, thinks we need alcohol more than food. ~Arnold Haultain . I suggest you read the book! We need to examine what it means for us individually and collectively when a structure built by and for upper-class white men in the early twentieth century dominates the treatment landscape.”, “go for a run, or make a pot of coffee, or do some breathing exercises instead. Written in a unique voice that is relatable, honest, and witty, Quit Like a Woman is a groundbreaking look at the insidious role alcohol plays in our lives. How to find a wife… Step 1 of 2: Find a woman you like now but you know you’re going to hate in 5 or less years. She She lives in Brooklyn with her cat Mary Katherine. Yes please. 94. Willpower is also a limited resource; we have more of it at the beginning of the day and lose it throughout the day as we use it to write emails or not eat cookies. When you automate some decisions or processes (through forming habits), you free up more brain power. Overall, I think it is worth a read. She explores the origins of AA, created in the 1930s by and for white Protestant men, and discusses how its history has shaped it into an organization whose tenants are not always helpful or inclusive to women in recovery. The Tempest Sobriety School, founded by the author, is “just” $547 (though you can get $50 off with a promo code). That stuff never leaves us. Love yourself, read them, raise and shine! Don't become a cocaine-oholic though. Did you find yourself using unhealthy coping mechanisms to get through the last year? Sorry, I should write "woman and other historically oppressed groups" because it is not only abo. Adult humans with a fully developed neocortex are typically operating from the top down, from the neocortex down to the midbrain. Based on the Goodreads summary, I am very sad to see that the author doesn't understand about the Higher Power of AA. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards. Money for massages and yoga classes and trips to foreign countries and to pay others to watch after your kids while you focus on self-care. Refresh and try again. It took a while to determine the reason, money. Addiction is essentially a symptom of those root issues that becomes its own “disease”—when we use any substance or behavior to manage our underlying pain, and use it repeatedly, we enter into a cycle, or a feedback loop. First, I want to say that AA changed my life. Our bodies are constantly trying to find stasis, or balance, and the hedonic set point is an example of that. Quit Like A Woman The Radical Choice to Not Drink in A Culture Obsessed With Alcohol (Book) : Whitaker, Holly : "For years, Holly Whitaker wore her workaholic-party-girl persona as a badge of honor, while privately feeling increasingly miserable. I feel like Holly just saved me years of therapy and helped me gain clarity into my own relationships with sober people. I wrote all about how I’ve got to stay focused on what God has for me and not get distracted by what He has for everyone else. Real power is the thing you’ve always had inside you. Quit Like a Woman: The Radical Choice to Not Drink in a Culture Obsessed with Alcohol. A woman who can recognize that, and keep it with her.” ― C. JoyBell C. “A really strong woman accepts the war she went through and is … If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'll be a winner. When high levels of dopamine are regularly released into the system from chronic use of alcohol, the dopamine is down-regulated (or balanced) by something called corticotropin-releasing factor, or CRF—a hormone that makes us feel anxious or stressed. This sh** is fresh, fresh, fresh, e. I feel like I'm reading HUNGER GAMES 4. Written in a unique voice that is relatable, honest, and witty, Quit Like a Woman is a groundbreaking look at the insidious role alcohol plays in our lives. That's insane, everyone knows cocaine is far more addicting than alcohol and far more dangerous. Hence, all the heartbroken men. For anyone thinking about reading this book, I would recommend, even if you don’t h. QLAW is not the type of book that I would normally read, but I consider myself fortunate enough to have been able to so, and loved it. Her writing is persuasive, and it is obvious that she has done extensive research in the writing of this book. She got sober at the age of 33. My only critique is the title! But before we discuss how to implement solutions to the Two-Part Problem, we need to address one of the bigger issues that women and other historically oppressed folks need to consider, which is how patriarchal structures affect the root causes of addiction, how they dominate the recovery landscape, and what that means for how we experience recovery. She believed that if she could just eat cleaner, save more money, and be more perfect, her life would finally snap into place. Over time, when our system is assaulted by surges of dopamine, our hedonic set point goes up (requiring more dopamine to feel good), and things that used to register as pleasurable (like warm hugs or our children’s laughter) don’t release enough dopamine to hit that raised baseline. Women Quotes. In Quit Like a Woman, Whitaker makes an interesting claim that addiction is part of the patriarchy...that maybe "alcohol was getting in the way of My Best Life...it was making me sick or wasn't the best thing to do with my time. If you don’t like my attitude, Quit talking to me. Jason Pierre-Paul So here we are: we start using alcohol because it gives us more pleasure than sex and does more for stress management than chamomile tea. Life is a never-ending fight and achievement. To be like kids. This means getting our physical health back, finding a good therapist, ending or leaving abusive relationships, learning to reinhabit our bodies, changing our negative thought patterns, building support networks, finding meaning and connecting to something greater than ourselves, and so on. There are so many ah-ha moments in the book that will forever change the way you think about drinking, along with solutions for cutting it out of your life entirely. 73. It's a fascinating read that describes the science and connection between our body, trauma and how to treat it. Holly has been featured in the New York Times, Vogue, and TechCrunch and was named in Inc’s 2019 Female Founders 100 List. The book is a combination of the history and workings of Big Alcohol and the impacts it has, Holly’s personal journey through her struggles with alcohol and getting sober, and how others can find a path to sobriety. If you’re young, female, liberal or progressive, educated, financially comfortable, a fan of social media, interested in spirituality, and questioning your relationship with alcohol, Quit Like a Woman could change your life. However, as I read this book, something kept telling me in the back of mind that this is not for me. Second, for us to make and change a habit, we need a cue, a routine, and a reward, and enough repetition must occur for the process to move from something we have to think about consciously (“I need to brush my teeth,” “I don’t want to drink wine”) to something we do naturally, automatically. It's like like listening to the newly saved prostletize or the newly skinny talk about how many grams of protein you should eat. This is a book for people who have money to throw at their problems. Real men can’t be stolen. It doesn’t. I believe everyone who reads QLAW can take something from the book that will be a positive impact on their life and on society at large, whether it be a better understanding of those that are dealing with substance abuse issues, a better understanding of people that have historically been marginalized in our society, or for someone who may have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol or other substances a helpful tool in their path to healthier life. If we thought about alcohol in this way—as something that undermines our collective momentum and personal agency and vitality and self-worth—what would that mean for us? It is beautifully written and conveys a true sense of the author. Holly doesn't take issue with the Higher Power aspect of AA (and her higher power isn't an eagle as the reviewer below cl. The brain has a hedonic set point (a term coined by Dr. Kevin McCauley), which means that it both needs a certain amount of dopamine to register pleasure, and is programmed to downgrade levels of dopamine when we receive too much pleasure. It doesn’t matter how much we want to quit or hate that we haven’t; we feel compelled to ingest a substance or engage in a behavior we think will provide relief, or make us feel good, and whatever relief or goodness we get in the”, “What I’ve found on this side of things is that while I love my friendships and people, I’m also exhausted by them. All Quotes We’d love your help. Four trillion dollars. Every tool I learned through my sobriety process has fueled my growth. Third, throughout the day, we must manage our energy so that we don’t blow out and end up in the place of no return—a hyperaroused state where the only thing that can bring us down is a glass (or a bottle) of wine. QLAW is not the type of book that I would normally read, but I consider myself fortunate enough to have been able to so, and loved it. Quit Like a Women teaches us to access our inner wisdom, KNOW WHAT NOT TO F*** WITH, and how to map out our personal recovery needs through a holistic lens. This sh** is fresh, fresh, fresh, empowering, accessible, trauma informed, and harm reduction friendly. Quit Like A Woman The Radical Choice to Not Drink in A Culture Obsessed With Alcohol (Book) : Whitaker, Holly : "For years, Holly Whitaker wore her workaholic-party-girl persona as a badge of honor, while privately feeling increasingly miserable. For anyone thinking about reading this book, I would recommend, even if you don’t have an issue with alcohol. But there were several aspects that I just couldn’t get past. Choosing not to drink to fight the patriarchy. This FEMINIST MANIFESTO takes down the patriarchy of the alcohol industry and current recovery models. This book excludes most of the female population with its advice. Sorry, I should write "woman and other historically oppressed groups" because it is not only about woman drinking but about social justice. 29. 96. If we thought about alcohol in this way—as something that undermines our collective momentum and personal agency and vitality and self-worth—what would that mean for us? I did not pick up this book because it is something that I myself am going through, and instead read it because it was suggested to me via a book club. Quitting drinking revealed to me the lie I’d so hungrily lapped up at fifteen, which was that our natural capacity for wonder, awe, and absorption leaves us. This was pretty much girl wash your face but about sobriety. Finally, what I read was: It makes sense that a woman might entirely refuse a program that asked her to give up something she’s not only never had, but was finally just grasping: a sense of self, a voice, a sense of her own desires, freedom in a world not made for her.”, “We love to protect alcohol and our right to consume it, and to vilify people who can’t handle it. Holly doesn't take issue with the Higher Power aspect of AA (and her higher power isn't an eagle as the reviewer below claims.) 72. Top 55 Inspirational Quotes for Women – Sayings about Life Women, over the years, have stepped over and beyond the limitations set on them by themselves. She explores the origins of AA, created in the 1930s by and for white Protestant men, and discusses how its history has shaped it into an organization whose tenants are not always helpful or inclusive to women in recovery. This FEMINIST MANIFESTO takes down the patriarchy of the alcohol industry and current recovery models. Written in a relatable voice that is honest and witty, Quit Like a Woman is at once a groundbreaking look at drinking culture and a road map to cutting out alcohol in order to live our best lives without the crutch of intoxication. My dad can still do things like a normal person. She believed that if she could just eat cleaner, save more money, and be more perfect, her life would finally snap into place. Let these never quit quotes encourage you to follow your dreams and overcome your obstacles. Rather than feeling disappointed when I realise the bar is closing. “It’s about our power as women—both as individuals and as a collective—and how alcohol can keep us from it.”, Holly Whitaker is the founder of Tempest, a modern, trauma-informed, human-first recovery program, which she started in 2014, a year after becoming sober. – Margaret Thatcher. The artificially high levels of dopamine that flood the brain when we ingest alcohol begin a cascade of other reactions and responses. December 31st 2019 Quit Like A Woman The Radical Choice to Not Drink in A Culture Obsessed With Alcohol (eBook) : Whitaker, Holly : "For years, Holly Whitaker wore her workaholic-party-girl persona as a badge of honor, while privately feeling increasingly miserable. I’m really not looking forward to reviewing this book, but I feel compelled to warn anyone who picks up this book with the real intention of working on their issues. She believed that if she could just eat cleaner, save more money, and be more perfect, her life would finally snap into place. It took a while to determine the reason, money. It becomes very blandly self-helpy and repetitive. If you’ve ever woken up hungover and resolved to never drink again, and at five p.m. found yourself standing in line with a bottle of red in your hand, this is the flip. Well, I mean, don't get me wrong. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published Typically, our midbrain releases dopamine when we encounter something that keeps us alive or that aids in procreation, like when we eat a piece of chocolate or have good sex. Welcome back. I felt like I was on a roller coaster the entire time I was reading. But over time and with enough exposure, the midbrain will begin to identify alcohol as necessary for survival. If it doesn’t get you off, it won’t work.”, “We’ve now established three things. Quitting alcohol is much more difficult than the author makes it out to be, and I know this because of the amount of people I've seen struggle to do it. “A man can be short and dumpy and getting bald but if he has fire, women will like him.” – Mae West. 42. My sponsor was religious and it felt like pulling teeth to ask her not to use her Christian workbook to guide me. Finally, I want to end on a positive note. The approach laid down in this book is big picture and zooms out to include much more than traditional recovery models. IF THERE ARE ANY BLIND SPOTS in your recovery this book will help you find them. This is a program that has been around for almost a century, exists around the world, and has helped millions of people. This really needs to be read by EVERYONE but it specifically speaks to the experiences of WOMXN AND MARGINALIZED COMMUNITIES that have been underserved in current masculine recovery modalities. ~T.D. Just in time for the New Year, Holly Whitaker‘s Quit Like a Woman: The Radical Choice to Not Drink in a Culture Obsessed with Alcohol is part memoir, part self help. There is no such thing as an ugly woman. Welcome back. Always. She believed that if she could just eat cleaner, save more money, and be more perfect, her life would finally snap into place. Strong Women Quotes About Life – Inspirational Quotes For Women.. “The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it. We are on an endless and expensive quest for wellness and vitality and youth. For 1.5 years I didn't even want to go to meetings sober. The midbrain or reptilian brain is the oldest part of our brain, where our survival instinct lives; the limbic or mammalian brain is where our emotions live; and finally the neocortex is our thinking brain. If you’re not many of those things, it may still have much to offer you if you follow its (and, yes, AA’s) advice to “take what you need and leave the rest.” First, the prefrontal cortex loses its strength and volume; it’s like a muscle, and the chemical component of alcohol (it’s a neurotoxin, as in it attacks gray matter or the regions of the brain involved in sensory perception, memory, emotions, speech, decision making, and self-control), along with the consistent deferral to the survival instincts, weakens its function. Know your value quotes lose their effectiveness habits ), the idea of ditching the terms alcoholism and.... Book still be relevant for me drink enough alcohol, our midbrain will begin to identify as. Lawyers do well whether they want to read when you automate some decisions or processes through. Valley-Girl accent one more time I was reading and funerals body reacts to the way our Culture normalizes,. 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