Will you find rest, peace, and joy this advent season? If BAPTIZED as an Infant, Do I Need to Be Baptized Again?How was Jesus Like a Worm? Reasons for Hope* Jesus is donor supported. We should also consider that their travel to Bethlehem was likely to have very been slow because of Mary’s condition — almost full term pregnant. Luke 2:7, 12  And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger… And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. Was Jesus born in a stable? The Bible does not tell us in what kind of shelter Jesus was born. The Greek word for manger is phatne and The Strong’s Dictionary defines it as: phatne, fat’-nay; from  pateomai (to eat); a crib (for fodder):–manger, stall. Social sharing is permitted. Scripture reports that they laid Jesus in a manger because there was no room for Him in the guest room. What is the significance of the Three Kings' gifts? ©2021 All Rights Reserved. Therefore, nativity scenes that depict a baby in a straw-laden feeding trough are mostly biblically accurate (during that time feed troughs were made of stone, not wood). The Bible does not give any indication where they might have lodged, only that they were turned away from an inn because there was no room. Christian Version of Leonard Cohen's HALLELUJAHMemorial Day BAGPIPES TRIBUTE: Amazing GraceRISE AND SHINE and Give God the Glory, Glory! G2646] to halt for the night:–destroy, dissolve, be guest, lodge, come to nought, overthrow, throw down. This would explain their access to a manger in which Jesus was laid. (by impl.) If our online resources have blessed you, we hope you will support Reasons for Hope* Jesus. My Book of Bible Stories, Audio download options When you subscribe to our newsletter, we’ll send you. Even while still in the womb, Jesus was rejected by His own and only a faithful few came to see the newborn Christ Child. The answer is “both.” He was born in a cave that was a stable. Luke was a physician and he was very well educated. Her pregnancy would have brought great shame upon the family. My Book of Bible Stories, Share We can agree that the innkeeper is theatrical license. Should I Say “Happy Holidays” Instead of “Merry Christmas?”. All resources on this site © Reasons for Hope* Jesus --  click for Republication Permissions or contact hope@reasonsforhopeJesus.com. This theory of Jesus’ birth in the lower level of a house answers many questions and raises some new ones. In the context of the passage, it clearly indicates paid lodging. Hidden in the six verses of Psalm 23 are 11 names for Jesus. DO YOU know who this little baby is? It is a place of rest, lodging, or guest quarters. Why is Dan Missing?What Does it Mean to Be A CHILD OF GOD?Why Is PRAYER Important?Is SUICIDE an Unforgivable Sin?Something ALL Christians must know:  IVDARR. Do You Get These 7 Things Right or Wrong About the Nativity Story? Misconception: Jesus was born among the animals in the stable because there was no room for Joseph and Mary at the inn. Considering now that Mary and Joseph were likely turned away from the home of a relative, the question still remains, where did they find shelter? Please support Reasons for Hope* Jesus with a donation of $5, $10, $20, or more. Remember however, that a difference is not necessarily a contradiction. The Gospel of Mark also makes reference to a guest chamber: Mark 14:14  And wheresoever he shall go in, say ye to the goodman of the house, The Master saith, Where is the guestchamber [kataluma], where I shall eat the passover with my disciples? While not a stable, a peasant home is a far cry from Herod’s palace—visible from Bethlehem—which would be thought to be a more fitting place for the birth of a king. Our ministry outreach has grown significantly and. He lives inside each one of us, Christ in YOU the hope of glory! The Promise of Christmas - St David's Hall Cardiff Sat 5th December 2015Solo: Angharad WyattDrums: Rhodri Wyatt The answer is “both.” He was born in a cave that was a stable. A possible explanation is that Mary’s pregnancy would have been considered shameful. Mary was about to give birth when she and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem. We assume that the English word “inn” used in Luke 2:7 refers to paid lodging, but could it refer to something else? This would have been quite a hardship for Mary and Joseph — physically for Mary because of her pregnancy and financially for Joseph because they had little money. Tradition tells us that Jesus was born in a stable. We should also note that there is no mention of Mary and Joseph being turned-away by an innkeeper in the biblical narrative. Lie — Jesus was born in a cave or stable The Story. It’s much more likely that the Greek word “kataluma” in Luke 2:7 was intended to mean a “guest chamber” of a house. The innkeeper is an addition, often portrayed in nativity plays. Where was that? That claim is based on the fact that, at His birth, Jesus was laid in a manger. If Mary did give birth to a baby in a place where animals were normally kept, it would have been clean and the animals housed elsewhere. A donation of any amount is needed and greatly appreciated. The Greek word used in Scripture is 'kataluma' and can mean guest chamber, lodging place or inn. There is no doubt that the place of lodging in Luke 10 was a place of paid accommodations and the host was an innkeeper whom the Good Samaritan paid for his services. This theory of Jesus’ birth in the lower level of a house answers many questions and raises some new ones. The innkeeper is an addition, often portrayed in nativity plays. Who were the Three Wise Men? This theory about Jesus being born in the lower level of a house is quite possible and it’s very probable. Please consider supporting Reasons for Hope*Jesus, This clearly tells us that the meaning of the word kataluma, used in Luke 2. What Might Judas be Thinking About in Hell? First, to understand the Bible we should try to pare away 2,000 years of traditions that have accumulated as we read the Bible through the perspective of our own culture and time. By. Reasons for Hope* Jesus, Yes, send me answers to interesting and challenging questions about Jesus and the Bible. The God of creation was born in a back-woods town and in the overflow section. It is highly unlikely that Mary and Joseph and the baby Jesus stayed in either a stall, stable, barn, or cave[6] surrounded by cows and sheep, as is typically illustrated on Christmas cards. Luke 2:7  And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. Jesus was born in a stable, a real stable, not the bright, airy portico which Christian painters have created for the Son of David, as if ashamed that their God should have lain down in poverty and dirt. Mary had become pregnant before she married Joseph. Why was Jesus born in a stable? Covid-19 Cheat Sheet to demolish (lit. Or a house? Jesus was born to die. We should also note that there is no mention of Mary and Joseph being turned-away by an innkeeper in the biblical narrative. Again, the Bible does not tell what type of building sheltered Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. It is a place of rest, lodging, or guest quarters. The pictures we have in our minds about the Christmas story are cluttered up with … (by impl.) may have had compassion and invited Mary, Joseph, and Jesus to move from the lower level to  the upper room. Can you imagine a less elegant birthplace for the Son of God? The birth of Christ may be the most famous Bible story of all, reprised annually in nativity scenes across the world each Christmas: Jesus was born in a stable, because there was no room at the inn. What’s the CRIMSON (OR SCARLET) WORM? Does Revelation 3:5 Suggest Salvation Can Be Lost? While traditionally Jesus’ birthplace is said to be a stable, many think that Jesus might have been born in a cave. Some shepherds came to visit, followed by three wise men who brought birthday/Christmas presents. It does not speak of lodging in a public place or of paid accommodations. Perhaps we should consider this the first instance of rejection of Jesus. Your generosity is a blessing and encouragement to us. Or could it have been a cave? Jesus Was Not Born in a Stable 12/15/2020 0 Comments Christmas is quickly approaching and, as I do every year, I want to point my readers to a fantastic article by Stephen Carlson published in NTS in 2010 titled, "The Accommodations of Joseph and Mary in Bethlehem: Κατάλυμα in Luke 2.7." They had no way of knowing she was pregnant with the legitimate Son of God. The Bible does not tell us where they stayed during those 40+ days. This is a beautiful story retold countless times at Christmas time. The birth of Jesus, on the other hand, counterbalanced the fall of Adam, bringing forth redemption and repairing the damage done by Adam. Was Jesus CRUCIFIED on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday?The Names of Jehovah hidden in Psalm 23! Is Jesus’ birthplace wrong? What significance do colors have in the Bible? The Bible only tells that they were turned away from lodging in a guest chamber and that Jesus was laid in a manger. . Remember the sacrifice of the cross began in the cradle and without the Christmas Cradle we would not have the Calvary Cross. What does it mean for a man to utterly deny himself? Share; Tweet +1; Pin; Critics of the historical accuracy of the Bible often find what they believe are contradictions among the writers of the gospel accounts because there are differences. by AW Pink, The Centurion’s Song: Surely, This Was A Righteous Man. (Luke 2:22)  This was more than 40 days after the birth of Jesus. <, We need your help. Answer: It is a common saying at Christmastime that Jesus Christ was “born in a manger.” Of course, it wasn’t possible for Him to actually be born in the manger, but that’s where Mary laid Him after His birth (Luke 2:7). . The whole family was gathering, aunts and uncles, cousins and brothers and … Like bubbles floating in the air, they often look very pretty — but they burst and vanish away! (John 13-17), Hillsong Wins Grammy for “What a Beautiful Name”, COVID-19 — When There’s No Solution In Sight. (video), Subscribe to Receive Articles & Hidden Names of God in Psalm 23, A Room with a View of Eternity—The Last Will & Testament of Jesus Christ. These details help us to draw other conclusions. In patristic theology, Paul's contrasting of Jesus as the new man versus Adam provided a framework for discussing the uniqueness of the birth of Jesus and the ensuing events of his life. Are You Stuck in the Middle This Christmas? St Luke doesn’t mention a stable either but he does say that after Jesus’ birth Mary wrapped him in swaddling cloths “and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn” (Luke 2:7). For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. Put no confidence in human plans. Since Jesus was “laid in a manger” (Luke 2:7) it is likely that there were animals nearby, as nativity scenes always depict. We know that “when the days of [Mary’s] purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought [Jesus] to Jerusalem [about 10 miles from Bethlehem], to present him to the Lord [at the Temple]. What is important is that God sent His son to earth, to be conceived in the womb of a young woman, to take on human form, to be born in humble surroundings, to live a sinless human life and then to present Himself the perfect Lamb of God and to finish the work His Father had sent Him to do—to take away the sins of the world. Copyright © 2021 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Is Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” a Christian Song? The English word “inn” is a translation from the Greek word kataluma. The Greek word for “inn” used in Luke 10:34 is pandocheion, defined by Strong’s dictionary as, “a public lodging-place–inn.”  And in verse 35, the Greek word for “host” is defined by Strong’s as “an innkeeper (warden of a caravanserai)–host.”. Remember they had little money. Was Mary a Levite, making Jesus both King and Priest? Of course, he did not because he loved her. . But remember, it is still only a theory. Even so, this doesn’t make the Jupiter-Saturn event the biblical star, nor does it mean that Jesus was necessarily born in a stable, or even in Bethlehem. We can agree that the innkeeper is theatrical license. Jesus’ circumcision would have been eight days after birth (Luke 2:21) and 33 days were required for Mary’s purification (Leviticus 12). No, probably not. Your generosity is a blessing and encouragement to us. Why is Christmas celebrated on December 25th? These passages in Luke 22 and Mark 14 both speak of the upper room in which Jesus ate His last supper with His disciples on the night in which He was betrayed. Luke 22:12  And he shall show you a large upper room furnished: there make ready. Suggesting an innkeeper is actually adding to what the biblical text says. In that upper room, they shared intimate fellowship, and, after Judas’ departure, Jesus gave to the faithful 11 great revelations and bountiful blessings. Should we celebrate Jesus’ birthday in September? If Jesus was born in a house, it is likely that Mary and Joseph were relegated to the lower floor due to the overcrowding in the upper-level guest rooms. Or a stable? Several years ago, I attended a Christmas drama performed by members of a local church. It was not an “inn” as we would think of paid lodging or accommodations. Reasons for Hope* Jesus exists to glorify God by equipping you to know Jesus better, to love Jesus more & to share your faith. a lodging-place:–guestchamber, inn. We did not meet expenses in 2020 and still need your help to continue our global outreach in 2021. The Season of Advent (the 4 weeks before Christmas), (short video lessons from the popular comedy TV show "The Middle."). Therefore, it’s unlikely that Luke would not have used the most accurate Greek word to describe where Mary and Joseph sought lodging. This does raise a question of why a relative would have turned away a pregnant woman. The Bible does not tell us in what kind of shelter Jesus was born. However, it is a translation from a completely different Greek word. that reveals all 11 names and Scripture verses of comfort and hope (link will be sent in your confirmation email). Another very credible and insightful theory, but one that is not as widely circulated, is that Jesus was born in the lower level of a house. And…it’s not the shortest verse in the Bible!Is There a Remez (HIDDEN MESSAGE ) in Revelation 7? If their baby were born in their home town, he would be exempt from 50% of the poll tax until the age of 12 - an attractive incentive for any simple family. What is the Prophetic Symbolism of Advent Candles? We know that Mary and Joseph were turned away because there was no room in the guest chamber (the upper room, the kataluma), but they may have been offered shelter in the lower level among the animals. TERMS OF USE © All content on this site is copyrighted. Thank you to all who contributed in 2020. by Shari Abbott, Reasons for Hope* Jesus | Dec 8, 2014. :) From  2647. Where did OT Saints go at death? Instead, Jesus was most likely born in a house. It was only after these 40+ days that they went to the Temple in Jerusalem. But what about Luke 2:7? A Christmas Morning Prayer by Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, performed by Casting Crowns, Mary’s Child — from the movie, A Christmas Wish, The True Meaning of Christmas: The Sacrifice Began (How Many Kings), What If You Had Been There When Jesus Was Born? Help me get equipped and be encouraged so I am empowered to know, live, and share my faith. (Isaiah 9:6), For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Dec 16, 2020 | Hope The short answer is he probably wasn’t. Thank you to all who contributed in 2020. This was a sin of great disgrace. When Mary and Jesus were turned away, so also was Jesus turned away. Since a manger is a feeding trough for animals it has always been assumed that Jesus was born in some sort of stable. Regardless of the exact location of Jesus' birth, Jesus' first bed was an indicator of His nature and purpose. Regardless, there was a manger or feeding trough in the place where Christ was born, and that was used as a resting place for the newborn Jesus, as stated in Luke 2:7. Why wouldn’t Luke have used the proper word to convey paid accommodations if it had been such a place? When the angel announced to them that the Savior had been born in David’s city, they knew exactly where to look. Was Jesus born in a stable or a cave? Was Jesus born in a stable or a cave? Abraham's Bosom? And, since betrothal was legally binding like marriage, Joseph even had the right to put Mary to death (Matthew 1:18-19) for having committed adultery. Was Jesus born in September (not December?). However it’s interesting to think that at the beginning of Jesus’ life, He was turned away from an upper room because the people did not know that Mary would give birth to the Messiah. Question: "Why was Jesus born in a manger?" Everyone knows Jesus was born in a stable and laid in a manger. This clearly tells us that the meaning of the word kataluma, used in Luke 2. CLICK TO DONATEto Reasons for Hope*Jesus(a 501c3 Ministry)Use a Credit Card or PayPal for safe, secure giving. But instead, Jesus was born in the humblest place imaginable: an ordinary stable. He also understands the temptations and sorrows we all face, and He knows too the fear and guilt that trouble our souls. The more important answer is that there was a reason for the humble birth of … This room was not rented, it was an upper room, a guest chamber, a kataluma, in the house of a friend. Luke 10:34  And [the Samaritan] went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. Fact or legend? or fig. Yes, it is Jesus. The familiar Christmas story describes an innkeeper who turned Mary and Joseph away from the village inn because of lack of room. Was Jesus born in a stable or a cave? According to New Testament theologian Kenneth Bailey in his wonderful book Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes, Middle Eastern cultures are known for their hospitality and Joseph was coming home with a new wife and an expected first child so there is no way they would have been relegated to the stable. Christmas Day: When Love Was Born — Light the CHRIST Candle, Misconceptions about the Journey to Bethlehem. Can you see now why the angels were so happy to be able to tell people that Jesus had been born? Or Was It Much Later? We are all like Mary, pregnant/filled with Jesus. We did not meet expenses in 2020 and still need your help to continue our global outreach in 2021. to Reasons for Hope*Jesus(a 501c3 Ministry). A stable is where animals are kept. He was laid in a manger in the presence of domesticated animals. And were they kings? First, to understand the Bible we should try to pare away 2,000 years of traditions that have accumulated as we read the Bible through the perspective of our own culture and time. How can you have a white Christmas without snow? However, the … The Bible doesn't mention a stable in connection to Christ's birth. The easy answer to this is, we do not know. In this verse we find it translated using a different word: Luke 22:11  And ye shall say unto the goodman of the house, The Master saith unto thee, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples? This was a watchtower with a place underneath that shepherds used during the lambing season to … (John 3:16-17), Will You Find Rest This Advent Season?HOPE Advent Candle 1 –  Prophecy Gives Hope (video)LOVE Advent Candle 2 – Promise Reveals Love (video)JOY Advent Candle 3 – Jesus Is Our Joy (video)PEACE Advent Candle 4 – Pause to Find Peace (video)Christmas Day: When Love Was Born — Light the CHRIST Candle. We can’t be certain because the Bible does not specifically answer this question. They took refuge in a barn or stable where Yeshua of Nazareth (a.k.a. The Bible tells that Joseph took his betrothed wife Mary and traveled to Bethlehem, the city of their father David, to comply with the census that was required by Caesar Augustus (Luke 2:1). Luke 10:35  And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host [innkeeper], and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee. The lower level was often used as a shelter for livestock during inclement weather. That verse says they went to an inn not the home of a relative.  |  After He was born His mother, Mary, had to place Him in a feeding trough; she and Joseph were too poor to afford a cradle. It doesn’t matter if Christ or Jesus was born in a stable or cave or Migal Eder, most important is Jesus was born and died for our sins. Why did God allow Jesus to be born in a stable instead of a palace? Why Are There Two Different Genealogies for Jesus? Just as Judas rejected Jesus and lost all the blessings, so also those who turned away Mary and Joseph lost the blessing of being present at the Lord’s birth. Was Jesus born in a barn? Or Should We Call Him Satan?What is the Significance of the Wise Men's THREE GIFTS? Jesus was Born in a House . For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given. I cannot stress enough, this theory is only reasoning from God’s Word. They did not know who her child was and they would not make room for Him. There is no conclusive evidence as to the structure of the stable, but most people who even think about the Nativity believe He was born amid animals, not in a comfortable room with a proper bed, and that the stable was located in Bethlehem. However, we can reason through this, using the Bible, and we can consider where Jesus might have been born. The word kataluma is also used in Luke 22. Did The Wise Men Arrive 12 Days After Jesus’ Birth? Christmas, abortion, and Joseph, the forgotten man of Christmas. When Jesus was born on this earth in the stable in Beth lehem, God made it clear that Jesus is the Messiah. It does not speak of lodging in a public place or of paid accommodations. House to House Heart to Heart. Have You Sat At The Master’s Table? I would track the source to three things: issues of grammar and meaning; ignorance of first-century Palestinian culture; and traditional elaboration. The details above help fill in the context in some ways that can be helpful to consider the trials that Mary and Joseph faced and to rejoice in God’s providence. It was only after his decision to “put her away privately” (Mat 1:19) that an angel appeared to him and told him about the conception of Jesus. Reasoning would suggest that Joseph and Mary might have sought lodging with a relative in Bethlehem. a dissolution (breaking up of a journey, i.e. Kataluma is defined by Strong’s Dictionary as: from G2647; prop. The first-century animals were also kept in caves Jesus being born in a public place or paid., many think that Jesus was laid in a stable s city, they had the baby in stable! This was a physician and he was laid in a stable © 2021 Watch Tower Bible and Tract of. Answer this question when she and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem ) because the hotel was full, often... Tradition tells us that there is no mention of Mary and Joseph arrived in )... 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