Frank Snepp, CIA Analyst: At this time, Ambassador Martin had been back in Washington trying to persuade Congress to vote additional aid. Stuart Herrington, Army Captain: Major Kean came to Colonel Madison, said "No more. My thoughts were, "what's to keep them from bombing the top of the embassy roof and blowing us off," You know? Rory Kennedy-Wikipedia. We are finally bringing American men home. There was a small building where we handled the pay for the Vietnamese who worked for the embassy. 0:06. Jim 'JT' Teiper, Archival Researchers Paul Jacobs, Commanding Officer USS Kirk: These young Vietnamese pilots would go to their homes, land right in their front yards, pick up their families and anybody else and head out to sea hoping they could rendezvous with a ship. Thuc Doan Nguyen So I assigned a few Marines to get rid of the money. "This is ship 1087. What does it mean to lead men in war? Sgt. And she just, you know, trustingly, just with one hand, with her right hand, holding on with her left to brace herself, you know, just, dropped my baby sister. Mike Sullivan, Marine Embassy Guard: We left, by my watch at 7:58, Saigon time. Gerald Ford (archival): The situation in South Vietnam has reached a critical phase requiring immediate and positive decisions by this government. The helicopter was only about 20 feet from him when he hit the water. "What do you want to do? Nothing. It was very emotional for them to lose their country, their flag, their ship. They took off all their military clothes, boots, and they threw them away. But I had a job to do, and it was an important job to do, I thought, to deny the enemy the South Vietnamese Naval ships. American Experience is a production of WGBH, which is solely responsible for its content. The U.S. had only a skeleton crew of diplomats and military operatives still in the country. This candid New York love story explores the chaotic 40-year marriage of famed boxing painter Ushio Shinohara and his wife, Noriko. Afraid for a lot of things. A comprehensive look at the Bush Administration's conduct of the Iraq war and its occupation of the country. Only Americans from this point on." Where's Plan B? We land on the Blue Ridge, 15 or 20, maybe 25 people get off with the Ambassador, and that was the end of it. L. Craig Johnstone Ambassador, we have to cut this tree down.". Stuart Herrington, Army Captain: The carrier pilots were saying, "Look, it's an uncontrollable sea of people and Ambassador Martin has lost his objectivity. But the fact that they're going to be crammed with an unknown number of civilians was somewhat problematic. Ford was bombarded by questions from the press after he got off Air Force One. Kiem Do, Captain, South Vietnamese Navy (in Vietnamese, subtitled): He said that the situation is getting desperate now. Hugh Doyle, Chief Engineer, USS Kirk: Of course, this was a big old helicopter, thousands of pounds, so we had to figure out how to get it 15 feet over to the edge of the flight deck. Action Sports/All-Stock We weren't sure who the dip-wad was that was opening up on us, but we continued blazing away as we got past the ambush site. The end of April of 1975 was the whole Vietnam involvement in a microcosm. The second option was, you know, United and Continental and Flying Tiger airlines were still using Tan Son Nhut Air Force Base at the time, and you could've brought anybody you wanted out by commercial aviation. An unlikely group of heroes emerged as Americans and South Vietnamese took matters into their own hands. You know, military officers and people of military age. But that morning, Ambassador Martin received a message that said within 24 hours the U.S. presence in Vietnam had to be closed out. Black Ops were essentially violating the rules. Terry McNamara, Consul General: I was in regular contact with the embassy, and I was told that when the time came, I should be ready to evacuate. It underlines how confused and ineffective U.S. policy was toward Vietnam from 1955 to 1975. We made sure they were taken care of and the Pioneer Contender was going to Guam. *, Bing Crosby, singing: "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas. During the chaotic final weeks of the Vietnam War, the North Vietnamese Army closes in on Saigon as the panicked South Vietnamese people desperately attempt to escape. It's 70 miles from Can Tho down to the mouth of the river. We don't need helicopters. And he pops up, and he's alive. Just you and your horse and you just do what you had to do to survive and take care of your family. We cannot take you." Hugh Doyle, Chief Engineer, USS Kirk (archival audio): They said, "There will be no pushing and there will be no shoving on this ship." Anonymous. We were standing by for the evacuation of Americans. Ambassador to South Vietnam (archival): Cease evacuation? But there were other independent efforts to get people out. Steve Hasty, Marine Consulate Guard: We continued down the river, our landing craft in the lead. I mean, he looked like, I'm sure the pressure was immense. He had given my mom a heads up if she did hear a Chinook coming to get ready. And Ambassador Martin wouldn't tolerate or countenance such thought. So he lost everything. But I was hopeful. So, from that point on, we were fine. Bau Hoang Ambassador to South Vietnam (archival): If it were necessary. Ambassador to South Vietnam (archival): 3:45…, Stuart Herrington, Army Captain: Colonel Madison says to me, "We're screwed. So they disappeared into the embassy. Later we found out, "the big fleet is out there; you can just take a boat and go there. Richard Armitage, Special Forces Advisor: The plan was to sail all the large ships of the South Vietnamese Navy down the Saigon River to the sea and rendezvous at Con Son Island. And I kept thinking, "Where are the North Vietnamese?". Binh Pho, College Student: I didn't join them. I saluted in uniform as a captain of the United States Army. As North Vietnamese forces swept into Saigon in April of 1975, one family risked everything to escape. National Archives U.S. military men took matters into their own hands to get their South Vietnamese counterparts out of the country before the North Vietnamese reached Saigon. Here from Saigon radio hookup is Laurie's report on the surrender. Frank Snepp, CIA Analyst: There was in the parking lot of the embassy a great Tamarind tree, which the ambassador had often referred to as, "as steadfast as the American commitment in Vietnam." Sonuma-RTBF archive images But as President Ford’s administration considered withdrawal, the prospect of an official evacuation of South Vietnamese became terminally delayed by Congressional gridlock, and by an inexplicably optimistic U.S. ambassador, who steadfastly refused to discuss the possibility of evacuation, both for fear of panicking the South Vietnamese population, and out of a stubborn reluctance to admit defeat. Ron Nessen Then, all of a sudden, here comes a human. I'm sorry. I was in charge of the 84 marine security guards that were there. So that starts the lift. Until they go. Binh Pho, College Student: I remember I talk to my friend and he said, "Oh, it's our turn now, we're almost there." Hugh Doyle, Chief Engineer, USS Kirk (archival audio): In the middle of the day, after we'd taken those first helicopters aboard, this huge helicopter called a Chinook. The last days in Vietnam 1.2. I was last in Saigon in 1969, as a Navy JAG officer who actually opposed the war, until I visited it again earlier this year. Binh Pho, College Student: It's time to get out. We quickly ran into the Chinook, and we all flew off out into the Pacific Ocean. And that no South Vietnamese would be evacuated with them. She was drowned between the two ships, and that almost started a panic. Miki Nguyen Literally, we're so relaxed we have nothing to worry about. John Zecca, Gaffers ", Paul Jacobs, Commanding Officer, USS Kirk: He smelled like a Naval Officer, you know. He feared it would trigger a panic. So you saw the World Airways flights being mobbed by South Vietnamese soldiers. I went, and I said, "Mr. He had been waiting for orders but his captain had, you know, basically just left. In general, things were eerily calm and in many ways normal in Saigon. Reporter (archival): Three in the morning? Ten!" We never got to the bottom of that, and frankly, we never pursued it. Literally, anything that could not be fastened down or was not fastened down was being taken away. Some were anchored, some were just adrift. I knew my dad was coming. So I kind of look up. I was six and a half years old. Joel & Susan Hyatt Hasty came by to give me a report on the damage. He spoke with a slow, southern drawl. Joe Bruscio (archival): Uh… I'm kind of scared, to be honest with you. The 30 year war in South Vietnam is at last over. There were still rounds coming in. Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State: We knew we were not going to get the 722 million. Paul Jacobs, Commanding Officer, USS Kirk: This big Chinook showed up. Don't leave my side." Hugh Doyle, Chief Engineer, USS Kirk (archival audio): None of them had ever landed on a ship before, they were Vietnamese air force. So we put him on the radio and he started broadcasting. Mike Sullivan, Marine Embassy Guard: He was upset. Sporadic. Vintage footage from the Vietnam war is presented in High Definition video format along with narration from both war veterans and Hollywood voice talent. Kenneth P. Moorefield The very last option, the very last option, was, was helicopters off the carriers into Tan Son Nhut Air Force Base. Grade: Everybody knew these buses were going to be going out to Tan Son Nhut airbase and there would be an escape from Vietnam. I met with Captain Do Kiem, who was the operations officer of the Vietnamese navy. Geir Gundersen The first was to save as many people as we could. And that's when the Captain Herrington started speaking to us in Vietnamese. They were terrified of him. They lacked simple things like barbed wire and bags for sand bags. OBJECTIVES Students will: 1. Inside the embassy, we discovered as we walked through the buildings and the outbuildings and the swimming pool area and the social club area, everywhere we looked was teeming with Vietnamese. The plane is taking off. And then we raised the American flag; we tried to do that with as much dignity as we could. And around 11, 11:30, we drove to the embassy. Susan Norget I borrowed a truck, and I basically sent the signal to my folks, and this meant a group of South Vietnamese majors, lieutenant colonels, colonels and their families to muster at an address in downtown Saigon. From award winning director Rory Kennedy, Last Days in Vietnam chronicles the chaotic final days of the Vietnam War, as time ran out in a city under fire, and an unlikely … Mentorn Media Richard Nixon (archival): We have adopted a plan for the complete withdrawal of all U.S. combat ground forces. Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State: When I tell President Ford the airport is being shelled and that it's now time to pull the plug, he keeps coming back time and again. I would say that between the state department people and the CIA people, the contractors who were there to maintain infrastructure, maintain aircraft, as well as people like me, we had 5 to 7,000 Americans in country. This is incredible. Marianna Yarovskaya, Production Assistants Well, turned out not to be the last helicopter because there was another horrendous screw up. Man came up to me. Impossible, uh, to stop the crowd. Stuart Herrington, Army Captain: The ambassador was extremely skittish, and I guess understandably so, about talking about evacuation, about sending signals that an evacuation was being planned or even executed. But if you know something is right, you must ignore the rules and follow your heart. So she said, "We're going to exchange tapes." Liz Garbus He was just flying blind. Beth Karmin Urgent understates it. View production, box office, & company info. Hugh Doyle, Chief Engineer, USS Kirk: We were supposed to pick up this, this person. Sharon Nicholas Dam Pham, Lieutenant, South Vietnamese Army: I went with my wife to the embassy. Joseph McBride, State Department Officer: So, I came back to the embassy and parked the, parked the van. Kennedy's documentary is one of the best of the year. You know they don't go very fast; they don't carry that many people. I had had gotten Commodore Thang's wife and children out of Saigon. It was a little over an hour, back and forth. My family's too big... My family's too big." PremiereFR. Gerald Berry, Marine Pilot: So the ambassador's on board. It was just a day to day job. But I was on my way back to Vietnam. Graham Martin, U.S. And Ambassador Martin wouldn't hear of it. On Monday, April 27, THE DAY THE 60’S DIED, Gerald Berry, Marine Pilot: You're very tired, and you're not seeing an end to this thing. Lock ourselves in a room and then come out when the dust is settled and introduce ourselves to the North Vietnamese. I says, "We got everybody?" It was a good plan, they had good facilities, they had good security. They were so close the shrapnel was plinking against the fence behind us. Stuart Herrington, Army Captain: Three of the choppers that came in each landed a platoon of 40 marines from the task force. I flew 18.3 hours straight through. That was if everything else failed. We couldn't repair or replace equipment. This decision has been made. Meaning, we had to be gone. And Ambassador Martin pulled me out of line and he said, "I know what you've been doing. It was abundantly clear that it was a whole new ball game. Gail Evertz and Scott Minerd I figured if we could save one, at least we'd save 15-20 people. This FAQ is empty. As they climbed up the ladder to the roof, a photographer took that famous photograph. So he and some other pilots picked out the best Chinooks and took off. But sometimes there's an issue not of legal and illegal, but right or wrong. Miki Nguyen: One by one, we jump out. Richard Armitage, Special Forces Advisor: I went aboard the Kirk and met with Captain Paul Jacobs. Frank Snepp, CIA Analyst: The North Vietnamese viewed Nixon as a madman. Wondering, you know, "what's going to happen to here," you know, whether they had truly forgotten about us. In other words, reenter the war. Impact Partners Reporter, CBS News (archival): Our plane is surrounded here, I don't know how the hell we're going to get out. We'd pulled out our troops in 1973 and public opinion at that point shifted. I thought that was a kind gesture. Juan Valdez, Marine Embassy Guard: So the marines just kinda grabbed me, and then just pulled me in. I realized that I had become the quintessential American in Vietnam. It was a big deal for us. Slate: Dam Pham was arrested and sent to a re-education camp. They spoke good English, too. Frank Snepp, CIA Analyst: It was not an official evacuation. No, Marine pilots don't get tired.". If billions and billions didn't do at a time when we had all our men there, how can $722 million save the day? So, they took the bread truck and they rounded up the tailor, the cooks, and the dishwashers, a few others and their families, and drove them into the embassy compound. Kathryn and Richard Kimball She says "Last Days in Vietnam," which will air Tuesday night at 9 on PBS, "is not a political film.. . Stuart Herrington, Army Captain: If we really made up a list of endangered South Vietnamese, the ones who really worked closely with us during the war, this number could be 150-200,000. Terry McNamara, Consul General: We got some distance from Can Tho and suddenly there were some boats that came along and they fired across our bow. A heavy lift helicopter evacuation. Were they gonna continue shelling Tan Son Nhut? Then my friend, he showed the paper to the guard, and he just kind of pointing to each one of us, and we, one by one, to go inside of the Embassy. Bruce Dunning reports. With the lives of thousands of South Vietnamese hanging in the balance, those in control faced an impossible decision—who would go and who would be left behind to face brutality, imprisonment, or even death. Most of the Vietnamese navy ships were dead in the water. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend We counted them and the total number was about 2,800. Juan Valdez, Marine Embassy Guard: We never expected any trouble out there. Additional Photography And he had the general with him; it was a two star general. I could tell jokes and hear jokes in Vietnamese, and once you start off like that, you eventually end up being able to dream in Vietnamese. Engaging in unsanctioned and often makeshift operations, they waged a desperate effort to save as many South Vietnamese lives as possible. Stuart Herrington, Army Captain: As we began to contemplate evacuation, the question, the burning question was, who goes? Pierre and Loan Le We pushed it over the side. You know, the whole Vietnam War is a story that kinda sounds like that. Jared Ames Last Days in Vietnam (243) IMDb 7.6 1 h 37 min 2014 16+ During the final days of the Vietnam War, North Vietnamese forces closed in on Saigon as South Vietnamese resistance crumbled. Compare and contrast that film to The Last Days of Vietnam. And I told them, (speaks Vietnamese) "Big helicopters about to come." Paul Jacobs, Commanding Officer, USS Kirk: Late that night, I was quite surprised that I got a call to come alongside the flagship; the admiral wants to speak to you. Steve Hasty, Marine Consulate Guard: We knew that the situation was bad. Hasty stayed and helped him. And I said "Oh by the way, we're going to lock you in there." The got them into the hold of the ship. I had never heard Ford use a curse word in all the time I'd known him. Hugh Doyle, Chief Engineer, USS Kirk (archival audio): So, we got his attention. And she didn't like that. We have to duck down to fight with the wind of the chopper. Extremely haggard. At one point, a young Vietnamese man panicked as a young girl, I remember, was walking across this plank and he kind of rushed ahead of her and she fell between the two ships. We though peace was at hand. But we continued on nonetheless. And it was understood that General Smith was not being premature with recommendation for Option Four. Mike Sullivan, Marine Embassy Guard: One of the marines said to me, "You know, we should take out the tailor." With the clock ticking and the city under fire, American officers on the ground found themselves faced with a moral dilemma: whether to follow official policy and evacuate only U.S. citizens and their dependents, or to break the law and save the men, women and children they had come to value and love in their years in Vietnam. And piles and piles of paper began coming out, and we began shredding. Zoe Brunn When a South Vietnamese helicopter was too large to land on the U.S. Navy ship, the USS Kirk, the family on board had to make a leap of faith. Dan Rather, CBS News (archival): As the enemy approaches, the panic has swept from the coastal cities crowded backstreets and pagodas onto runways at the airport. I was assigned to the American Embassy in Saigon. John Chancellor, NBC News (archival): NBC news correspondent Jim Laurie is one of the few Americans still left in Saigon. So, we asked, we in the White House, asked the Defense Department, how many South Vietnamese were left? As North Vietnamese tanks rolled into Saigon, eleven U.S. Marines found themselves on the roof of the American Embassy with no U.S. helicopters in sight. It's a presidential order". Just like the ones I used to know. Last Days in Vietnam is a 2014 American documentary film written, produced and directed by Rory Kennedy. Stuart Herrington, Army Captain: Each gate was besieged like that, although the side gate was the principle place where they came. Binh Pho, College Student: I was a student. I made my way around in a circuitous route and went into the embassy. We land on the Blue Ridge, General Carey comes out, wants to know where the ambassador is. We're pulling them on as fast as we can. That was just a taste of what's coming. And the first thing he said to me is "Young man, I'm not accustomed to strange civilians coming aboard my ship armed in the middle of the night." And pointed to the CH-46 that was just flying away. It was like, "Where are the soldiers? Slate: On March 10, 1975, North Vietnam launched a massive invasion into South Vietnam. Terry McNamara, Consul General: It was an American freighter, the Pioneer Contender. Kissinger Associates The U.S.S Kirk Association Binh Pho, College Student: It's like the whole of Saigon wants to get inside the American embassy. I felt the rounds. By that time it made no big difference, but President Ford said he owed it to Vietnam to make a request. Cary Kassebaum Khoa Tan Do 0:07. They had given us a warning, you know, "get out.". The North Vietnamese decided to escalate, escalate, escalate, escalate at every turn to see if the United States would react. Dam Pham, Lieutenant, South Vietnamese Army: There was chaos in Saigon at that time. Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. Armitage International Susana Fernandes, Post Production Naja and David Lockwood We couldn't think of what else to do, these other planes were looking for a place to land, so we just, just, physically pushed them. Andreina Martinez Dan Cogan Steve Hasty, Marine Consulate Guard: As we came out into the South China Sea, it got dark and every now and then I would fire off a couple of flares, just in hopes that, you know, maybe there is a ship out there. They're gonna be in there by Ho Chi Minh's birthday", which was May 19, literally a month away. The schools not closing but... it seem like nobody interested in school anymore. They have a courtyard and a swimming pool and we mostly gather around the swimming pool. Pam Wise, Senior Producer, Digital Content and Strategy The key word would be connection. Richard Armitage, Special Forces Advisor: A Vietnamese sailor immediately shot this guy and then order was restored. I was trying to get the truth back to Washington. We ended up with 157 people aboard this ship. Stuart Herrington By the 5th of April, the North Vietnamese had 15, even 16 divisions heading in the direction of Saigon. We had to go through narrow channels between the islands. And we'll work together as a team.". And uh, we pushed his airplane over the side. On the 8th of April, I met with one of our best agents who said, "the Communists are gonna drive on Saigon. And down in the parking lot, I could see the group of 420 of them, they were right were we had left them marshaled on this little patch of grass. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. And Madison said, "I'll take this up with the ambassador." Oh, we almost... the thing almost crashed aboard our ship. Tim Chapin The second was the honor of America -- that we would not be seen at the final agony of South Vietnam as having stabbed it in the back. We received an order from Washington that the lift was over other than the extraction of the remaining Americans. And, the Kirk was going to escort them. Paul Sanni, Series Producers They had to be brought in because we didn't have enough marines in the embassy security guard to secure the walls. I also have seen Rory Kennedy’s film, and I think it is a fair depiction of the Last Days in Vietnam, based on my own experience living through that difficult time, as a 35 year old in 1975, is a fair depiction of events as they transpired. And they began to argue with me. Supplies had been cut off, and you could see the armaments dwindling. He came flying over and landed on our flight deck. It was very clear to the citizenry that something was up and that something was probably the Americans are leaving. We have 7,000, 6,000, 5,000," or what have you left to evacuate. Paul Jacobs, Commanding Officer, USS Kirk: On the USS Kirk, our mission was to protect the helicopters moving from the embassy out to the aircraft carriers and back and forth. That's how heartbreaking it was for him. Now that Option Four had been declared, I don't think anyone said, "Okay. That Ambassador Martin is trying to evacuate all of Saigon through the U.S. (Enter your ZIP code for information on American Experience events and screening in your area.). © 2015 WGBH Educational Foundation Hanoi suddenly saw the road to Saigon as being open. Terry McNamara, Consul General: The people on the boat were scared. And he was being encouraged to think this might be possible. Reporter (archival): What time would cease evacuation? The rest were all Vietnamese. Khaled, Mahmoud and Subhi volunteer with the White Helmets trying to save lives of hundreds of victims in the besieged city of Aleppo during the Syrian Civil War. Nixon resigned because of Watergate. And we were just kinda sitting down around, looking at each other. Hugh Doyle, Chief Engineer, USS Kirk (archival audio): We laid mats and all kinds of blankets and stuff out on the deck for the babies, and there were all kinds of-- there were infants and children and women, and oh, it was a- it was a scene I'll never forget. April, 1975. Frank Snepp, CIA Analyst: The deputy defense attaché moved out Vietnamese personnel and their families, to Clark airbase in the Philippines without any approval whatsoever. Including their families, many more than that. Domenic Mastrippolito A team of brave individuals risk their lives to protect the last mountain gorillas. Stuart Herrington, Army Captain: The embassy had become a refuge. Joe Milner, HD Services I said, "We have no more helicopters. I did not. But it seemed like the North Vietnamese had other ideas. I was talking to agents, trying to persuade the ambassador, and I forgot that what was at stake were human lives. Last Days in Vietnam was directed by Kennedy and co-produced with Keven McAlester; the documentary film debuted at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2014. Nonton Last Days in Vietnam Pahe Nonton Last Days in Vietnam Samehadaku Nonton Last Days in Vietnam Sub Indo. He hovered with his wheels in and out of the water. Cause I promised them. I was still on Embassy grounds, with two of my sergeants. The roads were totally blocked. But they were flying over top of us. One guy said to me, "your family, tell them to come to the boat dock, I'll be waiting for them." Juan Valdez, Marine Embassy Guard: My sense was that we were gonna be there, you know, pretty much for a long time to come. Juan Valdez, Marine Embassy Guard: You could not land any large helicopters on the parking lot unless the tree and all the shrubbery was all gone. You want to go? Getty Images We thought that the USS Kirk would just going to be an observer to this whole thing when all of a sudden, on radar, we started seeing these little blips coming out from the shore. Then you really gotta get out. Everything is gone. An unlikely group of heroes emerged as Americans and South Vietnamese took matters into their own hands. And I looked at the crew chief, and I said, "Put it down." Stuart Herrington, Army Captain: There were thousands and thousands of Americans who served in Vietnam who were sitting at home heartbroken at watching this whole thing come to naught. The first option was you would take commercial ships right up the Saigon River to couple blocks from the embassy. It was amazing. They would put all the Vietnamese in groups, they would search them and if they had any weapons, all those weapons were thrown into the swimming pool. Catherine Karnow My first reaction, as any CO is "what did we do?" So, we sent over engineering, technical people to see what we could do to help them, and get em underway. That was the second one, I helped pushed that one over too. Terry McNamara If you're like me, I find my friend and got a little paper to assure us to get in. Last Days in Vietnam: Sundance Review. During the final days of the Vietnam War, North Vietnamese forces closed in on Saigon as South Vietnamese resistance crumbled. Harnage was a pilot featured in the iconic image, it was Caron at the controls. So, I said, "Why don't we take out the cook too?" Wes Sullivan Joseph McBride, State Department Officer: If we were gonna get people out, we were gonna have to make it happen, and deliver the Vietnamese to the big airplanes in some form or fashion. But The Paris Peace Accord was a masterpiece of ambiguity. It was ordinary looting... but more than that, I think I was just frustration and anger and an opportunity to get back, perhaps, at the Americans because, in the view of many in the crowd that day, we had deserted them. And when we got there, it was teeming with people. And I left into the shadows. I saw a lot of South Vietnamese soldiers in underwear. Somebody fired a B40 rocket at us. He said it was the Wild West at this point. So, we had to disarm them. And when they began showing up in the Philippines, Martin hit the roof and fired him! Hugh Doyle, Chief Engineer, USS Kirk: One fella is standing there and he said he looked up and saw this big bundle of stuff come flying out and it was a baby, it was the one-year old baby. Was eroding save 15-20 people clothes and snuck on the USS Blue Ridge General. Be in danger. feet running on the plane, he got in, I did n't stop other Department... From 1955 to 1975 was upset sent to re-education camps registered user to use the IMDb plugin... 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